Ted Blaylock Spirits In The Wind Bald Eagle Sculptures Collection

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Last updated on October 2, 2022 7:54 pm
SKU: 904261 Category:

According to Native American traditions, the eagle is a powerful emissary between man on earth and the Great Spirit in the sky. Now these stunning warrior and eagle sculptures celebrate that crystal-clear vision of spirituality. Introducing the Spirits in the Wind Sculpture Collection, uniting the expressive power of sculptural portraiture and the dramatic eagle imagery of acclaimed artist Ted Blaylock, exclusively from The Bradford Exchange. This dramatic, inspiring collection begins with Issue One, Sacred Heights. Next to arrive will be Issue Two, Nature's Guardian. Soon your collection will continue with Issue Three, Soaring Nobility, and additional collectible warrior and eagle art sculptures, each a separate issue to follow.‡This limited-edition collection is certain to thrill anyone who appreciates Native American-inspired works of art or artistic eagle statues. Handcrafted of brilliant, transparent crystalline, each raised-relief sculpture masterfully portrays a proud warrior in a magnificent headdress accented with real feathers and faux turquoise gems. The headdresses provide ideal canvases for Mr. Blaylock's inspiring eagle artwork, making each sculpture a luminous, head-turning masterpiece. Mahogany finished bases enhanced with more faux turquoise display each sculpture to its best advantage. Strong demand is expected, so don't wait. Order now!

Ted Blaylock Spirits In The Wind Bald Eagle Sculptures Collection
Ted Blaylock Spirits In The Wind Bald Eagle Sculptures Collection
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