Life’s Bounty Illuminated Pumpkin Sculpture Collection

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Last updated on September 25, 2022 11:31 pm
SKU: 904318 Category:

As the year winds down, the time of harvest and Thanksgiving also heralds a time of reflection on the bounty that life has brought us. Now, celebrate love, family and home with the Life's Bounty Sculpture Collection, a first-ever illuminated tabletop pumpkin sculpture collection featuring acclaimed artist Rosemary Millette's autumn imagery, exclusively from The Bradford Exchange. Your stunning collection begins with Issue One, Family. Soon your collection will continue with Issue Two, Love, Issue Three, Home, and additional collectible illuminated pumpkin sculptures, each a separate issue to follow.‡.Each illuminated pumpkin sculpture in this collection is hand-cast in artist's resin, fully dimensional, and painted in rich, autumn colors. Each pumpkin features Rosemary Millett's celebrated visions of fall flowers and wildlife, recreated in vivid color and detail. Above each work of art you'll find engraved inspirational life lessons to bring joy to your soul, crowned by a curling stem finished in a gleaming, burnished golden tone. Best of all, at the touch of a switch, LED lights allow each sculpture to shine warmly from within, giving the artwork and sentiments a heartfelt glow. Strong demand is expected, so order now!

Life's Bounty Illuminated Pumpkin Sculpture Collection
Life's Bounty Illuminated Pumpkin Sculpture Collection
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