Holiday Songbird Figurine Collection with Display Tree

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Last updated on September 26, 2022 12:01 pm
SKU: 902649 Category:

Holiday Tweets Tree Collection: Songbird Figurines With A Musical Tabletop Tree Display – Invite the delicate beauty and melodious sounds of winter's loveliest songbirds into your home with the first-ever Holiday Tweets Songbird Tree Collection, available only from The Bradford Exchange. This unique figurine collection showcases eleven different species of songbirds, arriving in sets of two, beginning with Issue One, Chickadee and Goldfinches. Soon, your collection will continue with Issue Two and additional songbird figurines in sets of two, each set a separate issue to follow.‡These exquisite figurines of holiday birds are expertly sculpted, finely detailed and intricately hand-painted for lifelike detail. Perch them atop or suspend them from the elegant, metal musical tree display that arrives after Issue Two, for the same low price as an issue of songbird figurines. Custom-crafted with lifelike holly berries and sculpted red ribbons, this festive tabletop tree display plays six beautiful, true-to-nature bird songs/calls at the flip of a switch! Strong demand is expected for this collection of holiday bird figurines, so don't delay. Order now!

Holiday Songbird Figurine Collection with Display Tree
Holiday Songbird Figurine Collection with Display Tree
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