Fire And Ice Dragon Women’s Sterling Silver-Plated Pendant Necklace

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Last updated on September 7, 2023 10:56 pm

If you can BE the dragon, you can WEAR the dragon! Claim your rightful place in a kingdom where fire and ice collide and only the fiercest of creatures rule the skies. It's your royal destiny – so unleash that mighty beast within and prepare to save the day with the Fire and Ice Dragon Pendant Necklace, a fine jewelry exclusive from The Bradford Exchange.This enchanting necklace captures the very essence of power and courage with a fully sculpted, intricately detailed dragon pendant. Lavishly plated in gleaming sterling silver and set with a single icy crystal, the mystical creature commands attention at an eye-catching two inches. The perfect statement jewelry for the woman whose inner strength is an unstoppable force, this unique pendant necklace is expected to ignite powerful demand. So don't wait – order now!

Fire And Ice Dragon Women's Sterling Silver-Plated Pendant Necklace
Fire And Ice Dragon Women's Sterling Silver-Plated Pendant Necklace
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